Grit and hustle can get your small business off the ground but strategic thinking and planning can put the company on a strong growth trajectory and ensure its sustainability. Reliance Contractors is an example of that. Reliance Contractors is a Miami-based facility support services company owned by Joshua Becker and […]
Half Moon Empanadas: A savory success story baked with equal parts passion, perseverance, and vision
Even some of Pilar Guzman’s mentors advised her not to expand her Miami small business nationally, yet she persisted. Today, the tasty creations of this entrepreneur’s Half Moon Empanadas can be savored in locations across the US, particularly in airports, with more expansion on the runway. With trial and error […]
Raising capital? What you need to know, from an award-winning consultant who has been there, done that.
When it comes to raising capital, Florida SBDC at FIU consultant Ricardo Weisz has experience in the trenches on both sides of this entrepreneurial challenge. While an executive at The Walt Disney Company, he launched operations in multiple countries, and over the years he has headed and or invested in […]
Owner takes Caribe International to new heights, with the help of SBDC at FIU
For Karina Vaguez, owner of a full-scale meetings and events production company, the pandemic could have been a time to retrench. Obviously, a business like hers was going to be hit hard with convenings shut down. But instead of wallowing in worry, Vaguez used this traumatic time to prepare her […]
Award-winning small business AmePower exemplifies how a success story is made
Vision. Expertise. Tenacity. Hard work. Perseverance. Teamwork. Resilience. These are ingredients of a successful small business. AmePower, an industry-leading technology company in the transportation and renewable energy sectors, is a success story. This week, as part of National Small Business Week, the Miami small business’s CEO, Luis Contreras, and President, […]
Leaping into business ownership becomes a ‘magical’ experience, with help from SBDC at FIU
When Kenerly Wright and her husband decided that she would leave her job as a successful property manager to be a stay-at-home mom for several years after her children were born, she discovered that she was having so much fun being home with her kids. When contemplating what she would […]
With Florida SBDC at FIU’s help, small business success stories thrive in North Miami Beach
Small business owner Melissa Guzman offers the beloved foods of her Caribbean homeland – but she veganizes them for healthier living. She should know – it’s helped her, too. Now she wants to expand The Caribe Vegan brand into retail. Darren Mendoza’s Lutong Pinoy restaurants are wildly popular with the […]
Is your small business export ready? We have some tips for you.
Is your company export ready? To find out, says Florida SBDC at FIU consultant Shelly Bernal, answer the following questions: Does your company have a product that has been successfully sold in the domestic market? Can your company commit sufficient production capacity to the export market? Is your company willing […]
How an integrated plan can help relieve supply chain pains
Even as the world begins to emerge from the Covid19 pandemic, its effects are still being felt throughout the supply chain that are resulting in delayed orders, rising prices, and customer frustration. Overall, 44% of small and midsize business decision makers believe supply chain issues could dampen holiday sales, a […]
IV Hydration Station in Key West grows in healthy ‘leaps and bounds,’ with help of Florida SBDC at FIU
Over lunch one day, Suzyjo Moore and Bobbie Vurro, both emergency room nurses, started talking about joining forces to open a new health and wellness small business. As they envisioned it, the IV therapy company would offer IV hydration, hangover relief, energizing vitamins, minerals, athletic performance and immune boosting infusions. […]