Government contracting

APEX Accelerator at FIU Business creates pathways to government contracts and innovation programs
Government contracting

APEX Accelerator at FIU Business creates pathways to government contracts and innovation programs

Florida International University’s College of Business has been selected as the regional administrator for the newly named Florida APEX Accelerator.  Part of the national APEX Accelerator program and the statewide Florida APEX Accelerator network, the Florida APEX Accelerator at FIU Business is focused on creating more government contract-ready companies and […]

Grit and hustle can get your small business off the ground but strategic thinking and planning can put the company on a strong growth trajectory and ensure its sustainability.
Government contracting, Strategy, Success Stories

Immigrant hustle plus strategy set these business partners up for contracting success

Grit and hustle can get your small business off the ground but strategic thinking and planning can put the company on a strong growth trajectory and ensure its sustainability. Reliance Contractors is an example of that. Reliance Contractors is a Miami-based facility support services company owned by Joshua Becker and […]

Government contracting, Operations, Success Stories

Engineering minds, founder chemistry and SBDC at FIU’s assistance help catapult Air Changes to win big HVAC contracts

Sebastian Munera and Ricardo Ardila have known each other since their college days at Florida International University, both earning undergraduate and master’s degrees in mechanical engineering. They worked in the HVAC industry for many years, including industry giant Carrier. As they were contemplating leaving their leadership roles at their companies […]

Government contracting, Resources

South Florida Anchor Alliance forms to help minority small businesses access government contracts

South Florida Anchor Alliance forms to help minority small businesses access government contracts Black and brown small business owners face challenges accessing government contracts to grow and sustain their businesses. The South Florida Anchor Alliance, a new collaboration between 19 local healthcare, educational and government organizations, seeks to change that. […]

Economy, Education, Government contracting, Growth Stages

How StartUP FIU Procurement pivoted programming during pandemic and the lowdown on big plans ahead

It’s been nearly three years since Florida International University launched StartUP FIU Procurement to help minority-led small businesses grow and navigate the world of government and anchor institution contracting. Let’s check in with StartUP FIU Procurement Director Barbara Cotto and see how they are doing. The small business incubator was […]

Government contracting, Success Stories

FSBDC at FIU helps position Amer Plus, a family cleaning business, for growth through  government contracting

Stephannie Cetoute took over the reins of the family business, Amer Plus Janitorial Maintenance, in 2018. While she had a background in economics and finance and from time to time helped out her father who started the business in 1998, going in “full throttle” to run a business for the […]