By Cynthia Corzo and Michelle Lopez – FIU News Hosted at FIU Business, Isabella Casillas Guzman, administrator of the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA), met in July with South Florida small business owners who shared their challenges and offered suggestions on how the organization can improve opportunities for growth. “It’s […]
Tag: Florida SBDC at FIU
Florida SBDC at FIU helped launch more than 250 businesses in the last two years. Here’s how they did it.
The Florida Small Business Development Center at FIU, which was recently named the National SBDC of the Year by the U.S. Small Business Administration for its work supporting small businesses in Miami-Dade and Monroe counties, may be best known for its work helping established businesses grow larger, creating more jobs […]
Compiling a winning business plan for your small business: Here are some tips
Let’s talk about the written business plans. Florida SBDC at FIU business consultant Alina Matas is an expert in structuring and writing business plans. Here is some of her advice. Why have one? Most small business owners need one if they are seeking bank financing, but it’s still good to […]
With Florida SBDC at FIU’s help, small business success stories thrive in North Miami Beach
Small business owner Melissa Guzman offers the beloved foods of her Caribbean homeland – but she veganizes them for healthier living. She should know – it’s helped her, too. Now she wants to expand The Caribe Vegan brand into retail. Darren Mendoza’s Lutong Pinoy restaurants are wildly popular with the […]
New grant will establish Blackstone LaunchPad for FIU student entrepreneurs
By Cynthia Corzo – Guest Contributor Florida International University has received a $500,000 grant from the Blackstone Charitable Foundation, establishing a Blackstone LaunchPad at FIU. The program will augment entrepreneurship support already available at the university and provide students with skills, knowledge and guidance to transform ideas into companies. Open to students of all […]
Is your small business export ready? We have some tips for you.
Is your company export ready? To find out, says Florida SBDC at FIU consultant Shelly Bernal, answer the following questions: Does your company have a product that has been successfully sold in the domestic market? Can your company commit sufficient production capacity to the export market? Is your company willing […]
How an integrated plan can help relieve supply chain pains
Even as the world begins to emerge from the Covid19 pandemic, its effects are still being felt throughout the supply chain that are resulting in delayed orders, rising prices, and customer frustration. Overall, 44% of small and midsize business decision makers believe supply chain issues could dampen holiday sales, a […]
After the pandemic’s punch, Amazon Printers is thriving. Owner’s advice? Never stop learning
No matter how long you have run your small business, there is always something to learn about entrepreneurship. And in times of crisis, such as during the COVID pandemic, those lessons become even more important. Cristina Serralta is a believer in the never-stop-learning ethos. In recent years, she has gone […]
Florida SBDC at FIU wins statewide award
By FIU News The Florida Small Business Development Center at FIU Business has been recognized as the Florida SBDC Network Center of the Year for 2022. In 2021, the FSBDC assisted 2,050 clients, providing over 20,660 consulting hours. FSBDC at FIU consultants also led the state network in access to […]
Here are some ways to keep your cash flow healthy – especially now
Think your growing small business already has a handle on cash flow? Think again. To be sure, businesses as small as the tiniest mom and pop store to as large as GE struggle with cash flow. But growth-stage businesses need to know this: Cash flow problems can impede your growth. […]