
Economy, Education, Marketing, Resources

COVID resources: Free 5-hour digital marketing course available for small businesses

BizHack Academy and the Village of Pinecrest have joined forces to offer any business impacted by COVID-19 a 5-week crash course in digital marketing – at no cost to the small business. This training is funded through the federal CARES Act. This five-hour course will cover how to use digital marketing to drive revenue and increase brand awareness. Each week, it will […]

Education, Networking, Operations, Resources

10,000 Small Businesses: Now 526 companies strong and growing to help South Florida entrepreneurs

  The Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses at Miami Dade College program has been helping small businesses grow since the first of its 16-week training programs launched in early 2014. In late August, the entrepreneurship program kicked off its 20th cohort. So far, 526 companies have graduated from the local […]

Disaster Preparedness, Economy, Operations, Resources, Strategy

Covid crisis spurs coffee business to refocus on core strengths and community connection

The java tastes unique and delicious in a shop that delivers an uplifting and welcoming experience. And all the while, the proprietors are successfully facing down the challenges of the pandemic economy. Gail Hamilton Azodo and her husband Uchendu Azodo opened SIPS, a coffee roasting company and eatery, in July 2019 […]

Disaster Preparedness, Economy, Education, Finance, Networking, Resources

Grit, pivots and a rallying cry: How MBF and its small business clients navigate this crisis

Michael Sellinger of Miami Bayside Foundation  recalls the early days of the COVID-19 crisis checking in on small business clients and offering MBF’s help.  Bayside is a nonprofit organization that mentors, holds training programs, and facilitates loans for small businesses in Miami’s underserved communities. His message: “There is nothing you can […]

Disaster Preparedness, Economy, Education, Finance, Operations, Resources

2 new resources for acceleration and funding in the F&B industry

GrowBiz aims to keep you up to date on opportunities and resources for South Florida small businesses navigating the economic impact of COVID-19. Here are a couple for the food/beverage and hospitality industry. FREE 6-WEEK INCUBATOR OFFERS TRAINING FOR FOOD BUSINESS SUCCESS Do you operate a food-based business in South […]