NeoBroadband, a broadband communications business, sells equipment to cable companies. The Miami-based business’s market is Latin America. The executive team, which launched the small business about five years ago, has more than 50 years of combined experience in the industry. That’s because the founders all came from another company in […]
Tag: business growth
How will your business grow in the future? Understanding that is key.
Paul van Hamond peddled his cold-pressed juices all over the place. A few sales sales here, some sales there, but that strategy wasn’t working so well. Now he focuses his sales mainly on high-end hotels. His Expressed Juice line can be found in Edition East, W Hotel, Four Seasons, Nautilus […]
Stage 7 – Disequilibrium and chaos: Friend or foe?
Stage 7 (161-500 employees) Ever heard the phrase: “You can capture a wild duck, but you can’t make a tame duck wild?” At this stage of growth, with 161 to 500 employees, there’s a strong tendency for a leader to professionalize the company and inadvertently crush the entrepreneurial spirit that […]
Stage 6 – Longer view focus now critical
Stage 6 Company (96-160 employees) Stage 6, with 96 to 160 employees, requires a longer, more strategic focus for the leader and a laser-like focus on your ability to connect to your employees. You can no longer afford to be all things to all people. Your ability to differentiate yourself […]
Stage 5 – Integration: Planning with purpose is key to success
Stage 5 Company (58-95 employees) Planning is a critical aspect of any business’s success. But planning for planning sake will not a company make. You have to be able to identify the key decisions that must be made — and know when to make them. Think in terms of kicking […]
Stage 4 – Ignite your company’s intelligence by hiring professional managers
Stage 4 Company (35-57 employees) The fourth stage of company growth (35 to 57 staff) is called the Professional Stage. This is the time you need to focus on hiring experienced managers who have been there, done that. Your company has outgrown your ability to keep all those balls in […]
Stage 3 – Communicate, delegate and release: Formula for growth
Stage 3 Company (20-34 employees) Knowing when to delegate responsibility and authority is difficult for the owner of a growing business. The question that looms in your mind is: What if they (employees) mess up? There is a difference between being a control freak and knowing how to delegate with […]
Stage 2 – Follow these rules of the road as you ramp up for growth
Stage 2 Company (11-19 employees) You are stranded on a deserted island and you only have 30 seconds left on your cell phone battery – could your second-in-command back at your office tell you in those 30 seconds how well your company is running? If you had your company focused […]
Stage 1 – Communicate regularly to establish a performance mindset
Stage 1 Company (1-10 employees) Most entrepreneurs who start companies are not looking to be ‘managers’. They are looking to grow an idea, to bring a vision to life, to get a product out into the marketplace. In most cases, they need people, employees, to help them do that. But […]
Stage 1 – Non-negotiable rule: Hire for fit
Stage 1 Companies (1-10 employees) Whether you are looking to hire your ‘first’ employee or your tenth employee, as a Stage 1 company (1-10 employees), it is all about ‘fit” – how well the individual can work with you and the rest of your team. When you are starting to […]