Small businesses can get reimbursed for up to $10K of their COVID expenses. But hurry, applications are due Tuesday, June 30.
CareerSource South Florida‘s COVID-19 Layoff Aversion Fund is designed to support eligible small businesses and/or community-based organizations in Miami-Dade and Monroe Counties facing financial impacts or potential layoffs from COVID-19.
Reimbursement grants can be applied to business-related COVID-19 expenses since March 1st (receipts required). Grants range from $5K-$10K.
The grants can be used for expenses such as:
- Purchasing remote access equipment or software that allows employees to work from home (e.g. computers, printers, telephones, headsets, video conferencing software, etc.).
- Paying for services or tools for restaurants or retail establishments to convert to online sales or delivery during Shelter in Place orders.
- Purchasing cleaning/sanitation supplies and/or services that will allow an essential small business to maintain an on-site workforce by reducing exposure to COVID-19.
- Supporting businesses that take advantage of the Short-Time Compensation Program also known as Work Sharing by supplementing the employee’s income and benefits.
- Other creative approaches and strategies to reduce or eliminate the need for layoffs.
Resources from the COVID-19 Layoff Aversion Fund may not be used for hazard pay, rent, employee wages/benefits or support services like childcare or transportation.
Find more information on the grants and requirements here:
Go here for the online application:
Application deadline: June 30
INFORMATIONAL WEBINAR: Join the Miami-Dade Beacon Council, CAMACOL. The Latin Chamber of Commerce of the U.S.A. , the Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce, Tools for Change and CareerSource South Florida on June 25 for an informational discussion on the COVID-19 Layoff Aversion Fund. Panelists from participating organizations will be available to speak to the program’s details, discuss eligibility, walk through the application process, and answer audience questions. Register here today to participate or watch LIVE on our Facebook page, @BeaconCouncil.