Florida SBDC at FIU has been closely following developments with the Coronavirus (COVID-19) and from time to time has been updating a list of resources for small businesses. We bring them to you:
SBA Disaster Assistance
- Due to the hardships that so many of our country’s small businesses are suffering, Congress swiftly enacted the CARES Act to provide emergency capital to small businesses across the country through the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP), Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL) and EIDL Advance Programs, and the 7(a) Debt Relief Program.
- The Florida SBDC Network also developed a guide to these programs that is available here: http://floridasbdc.org/wp-
content/uploads/2020/04/COVID- 19-Magazine-Insert_Florida- SBDC-Network_9-Pages.pdf
- The Florida SBDC Network also developed a guide to these programs that is available here: http://floridasbdc.org/wp-
- Recently, it was reported that funding for these programs were depleted. That is true, and, by law, the SBA was not able to process or issue new loan applications or approvals for either of these programs until additional funding was appropriated.
- But the good news is that last week Congress passed new legislation with additional funding for these programs. Therefore, we recommend to those that have already applied for PPP, but not approved and funded, to check in with the bank for a status on their application. For those that haven’t applied, we highly recommend you contact your bank to submit your application now. If you do not have a bank or want to explore submitting another application as you have not heard back on the status of your application, the best place to start is SBA’s lender match site: https://www.sba.gov/
paycheckprotection/find - More information and details on PPP is available on SBA’s website here: https://www.sba.gov/funding-
programs/loans/coronavirus- relief-options/paycheck- protection-program-ppp
- Here is some advice from one of Florida SBDC at FIU‘s consultants on applying for PPP via our GrowBiz blog: https://growbiz.fiu.
edu/2020/04/applying-for-the- ppp-heres-some-advice-from- the-front-lines/ - A good FAQ document on PPP and ensuring loan forgiveness is available in this Forbes article: https://www.forbes.com/sites/
anthonynitti/2020/04/15/ten- things-we-need-to-know-about- paycheck-protection-program- loan-forgiveness/#6219c5443291 - You can also review the U.S. Chamber’s guide here: https://www.uschamber.com/
report/covid-19-emergency- loans-small-business-guide - Ver en español aquí: https://www.uschamber.com/
sites/default/files/ coronavirus_aid_spanish_3.31. 20.pdf
- Here is some advice from one of Florida SBDC at FIU‘s consultants on applying for PPP via our GrowBiz blog: https://growbiz.fiu.
- To apply for the COVID-19 EIDL and EIDL Advance, you can visit https://covid19relief.sba.gov
- Be aware though that the SBA indicated this week that it is not accepting new applications until it processes the queue of applications already submitted.
- The U.S. Chamber also has a guide to the EIDL program here: https://www.uschamber.
com/report/guide-sbas- economic-injury-disaster-loans
- On April 29th, Governor DeSantis announced the ‘Safe. Smart. Step-by-Step. Plan for Florida’s Recovery. Phase 1 of the plan will begin Monday, May 4th.
- It is important to stress that Miami-Dade, Broward and Palm Beach counties are excluded due to high numbers of COVID-19 cases. Furthermore, components of the plan are subject to local governments allowing reopening in their areas. So you should review local government websites in Miami-Dade and Monroe Counties for local guidance.
- More information on Phase 1 is available here: https://
thefloridachannel.org/wp- content/uploads/ 429GovPresentation.pdf
National Grant and Loan Programs
- Facebook Small Business Grants Program announced it will be providing $100 million in cash grants and ad credits for up to 30,000 eligible small businesses in 30 countries. Applications opened this week for Miami-Dade County. More information on this program can be found here: https://www.facebook.com/
business/grants - The company also has a Business Resource Hub that includes free information for small businesses on how to deal with impacts from COVID-19, best practices, and a self-assessment tool that you can download. That site is here: https://www.facebook.com/
- The company also has a Business Resource Hub that includes free information for small businesses on how to deal with impacts from COVID-19, best practices, and a self-assessment tool that you can download. That site is here: https://www.facebook.com/
- Samuel Adams and the Greg Hill Foundation announced they are bringing the Restaurant Strong Fund to 20 total states (including Florida) to aid the restaurant workers impacted by the COVID-19 closures.
- To qualify, an applicant must:
- Submit a completed Application Form
- Be a Full-time employee (Minimum of 30 hours total per week, can be multiple restaurants)
- Be Employed for 3 months or longer at the same location
- Have worked in a restaurant, bar, cafe or nightclub located in one of the 20 states (including Florida)
- Submit the last two full-time pay stubs
- More information and applications available at: https://www.restaurantstrong.
- To qualify, an applicant must:
- The James Beard Foundation Food and Beverage Industry Relief Fund is providing critical financial assistance to small, independent restaurants that, due to the COVID-19, have an immediate need for funds to pay set operating expenses and keep from going out of business.
- The fund exhausted its initial round of funding but you can encouraged to keep checking their website for when the program re-opens. More information here: https://www.jamesbeard.org/
- The fund exhausted its initial round of funding but you can encouraged to keep checking their website for when the program re-opens. More information here: https://www.jamesbeard.org/
- The Bartender Emergency Assistance Program was created by the USBG National Charity Foundation to assist bartenders or family members impacted by catastrophic events.
- More information on program criteria and applications is available at: https://www.usbgfoundation.
- More information on program criteria and applications is available at: https://www.usbgfoundation.
Local Grant and Loan Programs
- The City of Miami recently announced two (2) new programs to assist City of Miami busineses impacted by COVID-19. Applications will be available online starting Monday, May 4th, at 12:00pm. The application period will be open for three (3) days.
- The Business Continuity Micro Enterprise Program is designed to provide grants up-to $10,000, to qualified, for-profit micro-enterprises located in the City of Miami which were deemed as non-essential businesses, and therefore, forced to close their operations which resulted in loss of revenue. he monies are to be used exclusively for the business to remain feasible for the next three (3) months and such expenses will include rent, salaries of employees, payment of utilities, licenses, insurance, and other eligible expenditures pre-approved by the City of Miami. For more details and to apply, visit this website: https://www.
miamigov.com/Government/ Departments-Organizations/ Housing-Community-Development/ Business-Continuity-Micro- Enterprise-Program - The Small Business Emergency Loan Program (SBELP) is designed to provide loans between $5,000 and $20,000, to qualified, for-profit businesses located in the City of Miami who were deemed as non-essential businesses, and therefore, forced to close their operations which resulted in loss of revenue and jobs. This program will help cover eligible business expenses including, but not limited to, rent, salaries of current employees, and utilities. For more details and to apply, visit: https://www.miamigov.
com/Government/Departments- Organizations/Housing- Community-Development/Small- Business-Emergency-Loan- Program
- The Business Continuity Micro Enterprise Program is designed to provide grants up-to $10,000, to qualified, for-profit micro-enterprises located in the City of Miami which were deemed as non-essential businesses, and therefore, forced to close their operations which resulted in loss of revenue. he monies are to be used exclusively for the business to remain feasible for the next three (3) months and such expenses will include rent, salaries of employees, payment of utilities, licenses, insurance, and other eligible expenditures pre-approved by the City of Miami. For more details and to apply, visit this website: https://www.
- The SOBEWFF® & FIU Chaplin School Hospitality Relief Fund awards grants of up to $15,000 per business ($500 per employee) to independently owned restaurants and bars in Miami-Dade, Broward and Palm Beach counties. For more information and to apply, visit: https://sobewff.org/industry-
- Miami-Dade County has “mom and pop” grants that you may apply for based on your particular district within the county. There is still funding available for certain districts. More information is available here: https://www.miamidade.gov/
global/service.page?Mduid_ service=ser1471548035447835
- To assist North Miami businesses during the threat of COVID-19 pandemic, the North Miami Community Redevelopment Agency (NMCRA) has created two (2), emergency relief grant programs to aid businesses that have been severely impacted by the pandemic. More information on the Emergency Relief for Essential Businesses and Emergency Relief to Jump Start Businesses programs is available here: https://www.northmiamicra.org/
sites/default/files/u3982/4_ 15_20_nmncra_miamitimes.pdf
Gift Cards
- Are you looking to put some immediate cash into your business? Other businesses impacted by COVID-19 have been encouraging loyal customers to purchase gift cards. This is a great strategy to generate revenue as gift cards can be used online now or in-person later when COVID-19 conditions improve.
- The Washington Post has a recent article that features businesses having success with this strategy. Read more here: https://www.washingtonpost.
com/news/voraciously/wp/2020/ 03/18/gift-cards-merchandise- and-to-go-orders-heres-how- restaurants-say-customers- should-support-them/ - The Merchant Maverick Blog also features a walkthrough on how to create a gift card program for your small business. That information is available here: https://www.merchantmaverick.
com/gift-cards-for-small- businesses/
How to Help Local Small Businesses
- The Greater Miami Convention & Visitor’s Bureau compiled Miami Eats, a free listings service of Miami-Dade County restaurants regardless of location, cuisine or price point. To view the list and get more information on local restaurants, visit: www.GMCVB.com/MiamiEats
- The Florida Keys tourism council has launched a “Safer at Home” initiative to promote “stay-at-home” directives to combat COVID-19, while also sensitively maintaining awareness of the Florida Keys as a destination.
- The initiative features social posts showcasing virtual tours of local attractions and wildlife facilities, Keys nature scenes and nature-based activities, live sets by local musicians, offerings from Keys cultural organizations and museums, “how to” videos of recipes for favorite island dishes, local products and treats that can be ordered for delivery and other positive and engaging communications from Keys entities. More information is available via social media.
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/
floridakeysandkeywest/ - Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/
thefloridakeys/ - Twitter: https://twitter.com/
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/
Florida SBDC at FIU Webinars
- Coronavirus (COVID-19): Small Business Planning for Reopening & Future Success (May 1st from 9:00am to 9:30am). Register at: go.fiu.edu/reopen
- Leading Business Transformation from Within (May 13th from 9:00am to 9:30am). Register at: go.fiu.edu/transform
- Creating Strategic Growth (May 27th from 9:00am to 10:00am). Register at: go.fiu.edu/growth
Florida SBDC at FIU Resources
- Our team of experienced business consultants is available to offer confidential, no-cost advising to business owners impacted by COVID-19. More information on our program and the services we offer can be viewed here: sbdc.fiu.edu
- You can view recent webinars and trainings, including three (3) COVID-19 webinars, on our YouTube page: https://www.youtube.com/
channel/UCYXxvXf2QuS0Dso- i3xqd1w
Additional Business Resources
- Florida Short-Term Compensation: The Short Term Compensation Program is a voluntary employer program designed to help employers maintain their staff by reducing the weekly working hours during temporary slowdowns instead of temporarily laying off employees. More information is available here: http://www.floridajobs.
org/office-directory/division- of-workforce-services/ reemployment-assistance- programs/short-time- compensation-program-for- employers - Florida Reemployment Assistance Program: Workers who have been laid off or sent home without pay for an extended period by their employer due to COVID-19 may be eligible for this program. It provides temporary wage replacement benefits to individuals who are out of work through no fault of their own. More information on the program is available here.
- CareerSource South Florida: CareerSource South Florida administers programs to assist businesses with training needs and employees with re-employment. Contact CareerSource South Florida to learn more about its One-Stop services that may help you. More information is available here: http://www.
Additional Information
- Miami-Dade County Website: https://www.miamidade.gov/
global/initiatives/ coronavirus/home.page - Monroe County Website: http://www.monroecountyem.com/
1169/COVID-19-Coronavirus - U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention COVID-19 Website: https://www.cdc.gov/
coronavirus/2019-nCoV/index. html - Frequently Asked Questions: https://www.cdc.gov/
- Frequently Asked Questions: https://www.cdc.gov/
- Florida Department of Health COVID-19 Website: http://www.floridahealth.gov/
diseases-and-conditions/COVID- 19/index.html - World Health Organization COVID-19 Frequently Asked Questions: https://www.who.int/news-room/
q-a-detail/q-a-coronaviruses - U.S. Chamber of Commerce Coronavirus Website: https://www.uschamber.com/
coronavirus - Resources to Help Small Businesses Survive COVID-19: https://www.uschamber.com/co/
start/strategy/small-business- resources-for-surviving- coronavirus
- Resources to Help Small Businesses Survive COVID-19: https://www.uschamber.com/co/
- National Grocers Association COVID-19 Guidance: https://www.nationalgrocers.
org/news/national-grocers- association-coronavirus/ - Food Industry Association COVID-19 Guidance: https://www.fmi.org/food-
safety/coronavirus - Miami-Dade Beacon Council COVID-19 Business Resource Center: https://www.beaconcouncil.com/
solutions/small-business/ covid-19-updates-and- resources/