By Oliver Browne
A business owner’s life is not without challenges. Accessing capital and credit is often one of the larger obstacles to successful business growth. This guide aims to assist the business owner in understanding something that can be tricky to new and budding business owners alike: the concept of business credit.
This guide is broken into three sections with the overarching goal of helping business owners understand and build business credit. The three sections are:
- Section 1: Learning the basics and terminology surrounding business credit
- Section 2: How to establish business credit files
- Section 3: How to build business credit
Building excellent business credit requires financial maturity and patience. While it will take proactivity on your behalf, the benefits of excellent business credit on your business are well worth the effort.
About the Author
Oliver Browne is a Credit Industry Analyst for Credit Card Insider. Credit Card Insider’s goal is to provide educational information on various financial topics and help people and businesses alike make informed decisions around credit. With an educational background in law and business research, Oliver researches and writes on a multitude of topics including small business, credit building, and personal finance.